Author:HAGIO Akira
Genre:Comedy Romance School Life Shoujo
Because of their parent's remarriage, high school student Satou Yuka, suddenly finds herself living together with her stepbrother, 23-year-old high school teacher Satou Taichi. Actually, their parents have not registered their marrriage and therefore they aren't even siblings by law; but since both parents aren't around, they end up living together! Taichi who has a very serious case of sister complex, wishes for Yuka to call him "onii-chan". But Yuka's reaction is very cold?
* Contains a short story called Chocolate Crash in volume 2.
* Contains a short story called Chocolate Crash in volume 2.
Status in Country of Origin:6 Volumes (Complete)
thank you duchess!
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ReplyDeletepass vol 6 please
ReplyDeleteThe password should be love-manhwa if it doesn't work let me know...